Wednesday, July 7, 2010

SYTYCD - Top 8

So, we have lost the tapper and are now down to the top 8... Ready or not, here we go:


Where is ALEX?!?!?!

So... everyone is dancing twice. Once with an Allstar they haven't danced with already and once with another contestant... huh.

Alex might not be back because of a leg injury... NO!!!!!!!

Allstar Partners announced at the beginning of the show again... and I have decided it does make me happy as it helps with the blogging. Here is my impression of the pairings:

Lauren has a Cha Cha with Pasha and Contemporary with Kent... Maybe Pasha can bring out her sexy because honestly, I have yet to see it. And I heart Kent... and I am praying that they give him something NON sexy for a change. Something sweet and beautiful would be really nice.

Kent has Hip Hop with Comfort - of course, this seems... just like a really bad idea.

Robert has Jazz with Kathryn and a quickstep with Ashley. I'm over Robert, seriously, just over him. But I do love Squeaker Squeak's dancing so I'm hoping it will be good. And then he's also paired up with Ashley... doing a quickstep... AKA - kiss of death.

Ashley has Hip Hop with Dominick - ARE THEY TRYING TO GET HER KICKED OFF!?!?! Have the fates decided this will be her week to go? Don't get me wrong, I love Dom, but it all depends on her and the routine.

Adechike has Jazz with Courtney and Bollywood with Alex Freaking Wong (except not so much due to injury) - so Jazz should be decent, depending on the choreographer and Bollywood could be awesome or a hot mess.

Alex has Foxtrot with Anya - except he doesn't now. Did I mention Sad?

Jose has Contemporary with Lauren and African Jazz with Billy - I really like Jose. He's a really likable guy.

Billy has Broadway with Allison - Have to say, I actually like Jose more because of Billy's pre-packaged clip. And of course I love Allison so I'm looking forward to watch her with Billy.

And now... we begin!

Lauren and Pasha - much more betterer. She has actual chemistry with Pasha. Did you SEE her staring at him? That was for real hot. Costume... worked, and so did her hair. I really liked it - which surprised me. Oh, look at that, the Judges and I are actually in agreement tonight. Sign of things to come?

Jose and Lauren - He's not the best dancer... but there is just SOMETHING about him. He's just so sincere, he's a good partner, he takes direction, he gives every dance everything he's got. It doesn't matter who he dances with, he is the best part of his routines. He is becoming one of my very favorites. Strike that, he started crying and became my favorite. Real tears, and absolute joy and humility... just beautiful.

Kent and Comfort - It was not as Funky as I thought it should be. The costume this week is MUCH better. Did someone hear me say Justin Timberlake last week and take notes? I feel like Randy Jackson, but I'm gonna say it "It was just okay for me."

Adechike and Courtney - Okay, so I do like Mandy Moore, and I'm hoping it works out. Although, I'm not a huge Adechike fan... so we'll see. So I was waiting for someone to fall off a stool or the bar or something. The thing is... the Cha Cha was way hotter for me than this was. It was just hokey - a "character" and not a dance. I totally agree with Mia about donut holes... and now I want a donut.

Billy and Allison - oh wait, Katee! - He makes such pretty lines. Costumes didn't help but make me watch Katee all the more... but this was probably my favorite routine of his so far this season. I love Broadway on Billy. I'd love Billy on Broadway.

Ashley and Dominik - so, I think she might be going home... seriously, this was just not the best for me. Especially compared to Alex Freaking Wong last week with the hard hittingness. And apparently I am the only one that thinks that as the Judges just love her.

Robert and Kathryn - The "plastic" part suits Robert for me, so maybe this will work. That was horrible. Worst partnering I think I've ever seen on the show. The idea was great, but the execution... not so much. I did like the in the box stuff, but the partnering stuff was just a fail for me. The judges, once again seem to be watching something other than what I am watching... grrrrrr.

Adechike minus Alex Freaking Wong - did anyone else see Carlton doing Bollywood? Just me? No one else heard him say "C'mon Will!"? No? Kay.... just me. Sorry, he lost me during the judges comment when he beat his chest.

Lauren and Kent - TRAVIS WALL I LOVE YOU!!!!! They were also better when dancing separately in unison than when they had to do any sort of transitions together... He's not as strong a partner on lifts as he could be... wow... kissing at the end... sup with that.

Robert and Ashley - Welcome to the bottom 3... In the famous words of Evil Willow "Bored Now". (that's a Buffy reference for those who don't get it)

Side Note: Love the Old Spice Commercials.

Billy and Jose - That was interesting. Jose did not HIT as hard as I wanted him to. Billy is crazy flexible. He should always dance as a "creature" He's just so Bendy.

And that's it! Who's your bottom 3? My picks, Robert and Ashley and Adechike. If Adechike ends up in the bottom, it is entirely possible he will go home. Of course, if Alex Freaking Wong can't dance, then he automatically goes home and bottom 3 doesn't count.

1 comment:

  1. I AM SO BUMMED WITH ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart broke when I watched last night. he was the only one I connected with! I dont like Jose for some reason; I do like Ashley and Robert... not a fan of Lauren bc there is something conceded or fake about her... hmm..
