Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So… I’ve recently found Bones on Netflix… I’m a tad in love with it and would like to watch just ONE more episode before bed… however, I also love SYTYCD and want to watch it too… dilemmas abound. Please forgive me if I rush through the recap – I feel like Bones is going to win the night.

Here we go: Christina Applegate and Lil C are our guest judges.

Melanie and Twitch doing a NappyTabs routine. She did not hit hard enough. Back flip thingy was good though. Puppy Twitch at the end was cute.

Sasha and Kent doing a Tasty Oreo routine. (I heart kent). Okay Tasty Oreo. I fast forwarded through your prepackaged video feed so as to not judge you based on emotional manipulation that might be thrown at me… and I will say walking into it with no canned dislike of your pomposity helped. I loved that. Some of it was “choreography” but when the dancers danced it and it became more than just steps it was one of my favorites.

Marko and Janette doing a Dmitry (didn’t he used to have an I in between the D and M?) routine. I found that routine to be lacking… No heat, no spice and I got bored.

And I’m fast forwarding through everyone’s packaged video stuff before their solos.
Ricky solo: His musicality is really good when he choreographs himself. His smile is beautiful. But this solo didn’t wow me.

Tadd and Ellenore doing a Sonya routine. It’s a spectacle. I felt nothing watching it. And that’s why I’m usually sad with Sonya’s routines, because it’s all about a show and not about emotion. Now I don’t mind a strange routine, or a dark routine… but I want it to MEAN something and not just be quirky steps for the sake of being quirky steps.

Caitlynn’s Solo: Better than her past “dance for your life” routines. She was so strong for me at the beginning – but really… There’s no way she is going to win this.

Ricky and Jaimie doing a Dee Caspary routine. The conductor gimmick would have worked better in a hip hop routine for me. Because in the “flow” of the music, his conducting her movement was lost for me. Whereas if it were on a “beat” that would have been easier to follow. It was danced well though.
Tadd’s Solo: I always usually love his music choices – this time, not as much. And I’m sorry after last weeks solo – it just fell a little flat for me.

Sasha’s Solo: She is fierce! I wish I could dance like her. Like that is how I dance in my head when I hear music. In my car – I totally rock like her.

Caitlynn and Pasha doing a Dmitry routine. I felt like I was interrupting something. Especially on the reverse samba rolls - HOT. The floor sweep seemed a little off to me.

Marko’s Solo: And this is why I ADORE you sir! Talent, technique and some other T word that means Awesome and joyful and ahhhhhmazement.

Melanie’s Solo: Honey, I love you – but you need to have words with the costume department. That outfit was horrible and distracting.

Sasha and Ricky doing a Kumari Suraj “Whacking” routine… Say WHAT? Ummmm… Russian Dance and 80’s aerobics dance? I’m gonna go with no.

Tadd and Melanie doing a Spencer Liff routine – loved it. Cool and hot at the same time. She really is an amazing actress – I find her so believable in everything she emotes. Tadd also amazing. Seriously his fluidity is beautiful and also his biggest weakness because he makes everything look effortless.

Caitlynn and Marko doing a Sonya routine. What is up with the abusive relationship routines SYTYCD? Okay – so it started okay for me – slow with beats in there and then just as I started to get into it… I got pulled out of it and I think I figured it out… So – the difference between the Tasty Oreo Sasha/Kent routine and Sonya’s routine is this – Sonya does stilted, jolty, jerky movement that draws me OUT of the emotion rather than INTO it – whereas Tasty Oreo’s had a fluidity of movement that didn’t sharply pull me out of the meaning to force my attention to the movement. There is a time and place for the herky/jerky/sharp and pointy emphasis… but when that’s ALL an entire piece is, or when it doesn’t match the emotion of the moment… I just can’t flow with it.

So – bottom two boys:
Tadd and Ricky
Caitlynn and Caitlynn – seriously, neither Sasha or Melanie is going home people.

What did you guys think? Who were your favorites? Am I crazy that I don't love Sonya?

Okay, now it's back to Bones before bed. Night ya'll!

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