Welcome to SYTYCD!
It’s my birthday – and as such – I expect a GREAT show from the “Magnificent 7” couples left in the competition. I demand AWESOME routines – seriously – give me some MIA please – or if no Mia, how about not giving me any Keith Diorio or Sonya strangeness tonight? I also require the Judges to be on the ball this evening – call out the bad performances and make some sense please – don’t just hand out meaningless platitudes like they’re candy at Halloween, okay?
So, let’s get started by meeting our JUDGES… I’ve really enjoyed the guest judges so far this season – how does tonight stack up with - Carmen Electra, really? I never would have guessed ballet was in her background. Finger’s crossed and hoping for the best from her… Oh and for my birthday – TRAVIS WALL! Sadly, I am worried he will be a bad judge because he’s so sympathetic to the contestants having been one himself “blah, blah, blah” Still I’m hoping for the best with him too. The only thing better would be if he choreographed ALL the routines tonight. Alas, that is not the case. *Sigh*
Justin Giles doing a routine with the top 7 guys. Okay – Chris was late in the unison parts for a bit and it threw me off. If I didn’t have the back-story from the choreographer, I would have had no idea what it was “supposed” to be about. I thought it was interesting though. My eyes focused mostly on Marko and “oddly enough” Jess. I think they both did the best in the number. What did you guys think?
First Couple of the night – Melanie & Marko doing a Jazz routine by Ray Leeper. WTF?!?! Do the costume people HATE her?! So distracting. I’m sure they danced it well but I couldn’t get past her red/white/blue lace one stocking stupid outfit. Just because the song says “Americano” do we really need to put her in stars and stripes? And his pants with suspenders no shirt? Seriously? Really? What have you done SYTYCD costume department? I dislike this. Watching it again to focus on the dancing. Okay, so… had her costume been exactly the same except say in SOLID black – she would have been SUPER SEXY. Her dancing and attitude was FIERCE! And Marko was good too. Now, I don’t see “Jazz” in that routine, but whatever. Again, not happy with the costume department right now.
Moving on: Sasha and Alexander are up with a Shaun Avaristo hip-hop routine. Ehhhh. I like Sasha, but Alexander leaves me cold – and it’s not because he has seriously no swag at all, but because he doesn’t pull his weight as a partner – he’s just not her equal at all – and it just doesn’t help make a routine pop when the chemistry is supposed to be the central drive and there is none to be found. At least the judges agree with me.
Jordan and Tadd doing a waltz choreographed by Toni Redpath. I like Toni’s stuff. It was dreamy and romantic – Can’t believe he’s a hip-hop dancer when he does stuff like this. I grow to like Jordan more and more – (especially with her video packages the last 2 weeks). Not my favorite routine ever – but the best one so far tonight.
Clarice and Jess dancing a Justin Giles contemporary routine. Emotionally I felt NOTHING. Nothing. Not a single thing. I felt more watching their rehearsal movements without music than I did watching the actual performance. Not sure what the judges saw that I didn’t… But I will say I love Travis as a judge even when I don’t agree with him because he gives great technical notes. I went back and watched it again – still – got nothing from them. No emotion still. Is it just me?
Now we have Ashley and Chris doing a Salsa choreographed by Liz Lira. Oh, I’m afraid. Let me channel Sue Sylvester for a moment… SLOPPY BABIES! Not impressed at all. They had not nearly enough energy for this routine. It was stilted and awkward.
Ricky and Ryan doing a Jazz routine by Chucky Klapow. Ummmmmm no. I would rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon than watch this routine ever again. In fact, I think I will fast forward through it. Not a fan at all. And it has nothing to do with the dancers at all because for once Ryan didn’t break character with her Stepford Smile. The only thing that could have made me feel more grossed out by the routine is if the costumers had made them into CLOWNS. Not a fan.
Lastly for the couples is Caitlynn and Mitchell doing contemporary – please, dear Lord, please – make this one good? Mandy Moore (PLEASE MAKE THIS BEAUTIFUL FOR ME!?!?!) J’adore Caitlynn! J’adore! She’s really one of my absolute favorites this season. It’s Melanie and her for the win for me. That was lovely – not tear worthy Mary Murphy but still beautiful. That was great partnering from Mitchell – the jumps the lifts the legs the feet the arms – really just beautiful. Her leg’s especially.
And now – our grand finale – the girls doing a Ray Leeper Jazz routine… Seriously – couldn’t Melanie have worn THIS outfit during her actual routine? Again, Caitlynn and Melanie drew my eye – but I think Mr. Leeper – not my favorite.
So overall – really a very disappointing evening for me. Seriously - SYTYCD WHY DO YOU DISAPPOINT ME ON MY BIRTHDAY!?!?!
What did you guys think?
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