Wednesday, July 13, 2011

SYTYCD - Top 12!

Okay ya’ll welcome to SYTYCD – with our top 12 couples. So, this will be the last time we have the couples paired together as is because once they become top 10 we get to see them dance with the All Stars. I really enjoy the way they changed it up this season. Although, I think I’d really like to have seen them not have permanent partners but pick the partners each week so that we don’t have “power couples” but power dancers. You know?

Anyway, moving on… I love Cat… I’m enjoying her dress, although the bodice could be a little less squishy. And our judges… guest Judge Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Broadway – how much do you think he’ll love Jess?) and resident choreographer Sonya Tayeh.

Sasha and Alexander doing a routine by Tony Meredith and Capitan LAPATIN… gotta say, wasn’t loving it. Alexander did far better than he has been doing, but I felt like Sasha brought her game down to meet him more than he rose to meet her. They both started to get sloppy towards the end like they were getting tired and it showed. Possibly the first slot of the night will not do them a service… but we’ll see tomorrow.

Jordan and Tadd doing a Travis Wall contemporary routine. Ummmm WOW. That is what I said at the end of the routine right before I backed it up to watch it again. It was dark and twisty but still Beautiful. The lines and the pictures that the still moments presented. Tadd is SO strong – and commits 100% to every style. I loved everything about that even though it wasn’t my normal sweet/sad/emotional Travis kind of routine.

Now we have Ryan and Ricky doing a Spencer Liff Broadway routine… Well wasn’t that nice of Spencer to choreograph a routine where Ryan’s Stepford Smile was not necessarily out of place. Can I say it seemed really easy and not technically difficult. And all of a sudden I really am in love Jesse Tyler Ferguson because he said everything I felt… and so did Sonya.

Caitlynn and Mitchell doing a Christopher Scott routine. She hit everything so much harder than he did. It was actually distracting because the unison was off. I didn’t love the attempt at “emotional manipulation” by Christopher Scott. It’s not fair because I like her so much.

Melanie and Marko dancing a tango choreographed by Louie Van Amstel. I’m really excited to see them take on something so COMPLETELY different than their own style this week. Okay – so it started and I was a little – eh… but it seemed way more difficult a routine than Ryan and Ricky’s so I was not hating on it – plus you could tell even though the footwork (little tricky) was sometimes not all it could be they were giving it their all. And of course, I always feel that Melanie and Marko are totally into each other when they’re supposed to be and this was probably the sexiest they’ve been. And still I was just sort of eh – until the last 10 seconds with the back bend through the legs into the whatever position that was. AMAZING! Hopefully that’s the thing the voting public remembers.

Clarice and Jess do a Christopher Scott lyrical hip-hop routine. Okay… stupid emotional manipulation from a stupid stupid choreographer has left me weeping. Tissues… need tissues. I cannot even fairly discuss this routine. I don’t like Jess, Clarice annoys me and yet here I am crying like a baby. Jess danced that really well – although there were definitely moments where his Broadway showed through… but for the first time Clarice really connected with a piece and so did I. Stupid, stupid emotional manipulation!!! The only thing that would have made that more manipulative is if they’d had Sasha’s sister dancing it instead and turned it into a “big girl” routine.

Round 2:

Sasha and Alexander dancing a Tyce “Keith” Diorio routine. Much better than the first routine they did. Sasha really is amazing. Alexander did a much better job himself – I actually looked at him a little more. Still, I think she’d be so much better with another partner. I’m pretty sure she’s going to be in the top 10. She’s unbelievable. Alexander… I don’t know.

Jordan and Tadd doing a Broadway routine by Spencer Liff. The music was strange and the timing just seems really off… It’s really making me think it’s a Spencer Liff thing and not the dancers. I think my favorite part was Tadd spraying breath freshener in his mouth. Sad. I love Tadd. I hope Travis’s routine will save them and pull in the votes.

Ryan and Ricky doing a Louie Van Amstel Cha-Cha! Eh. I just don’t connect with either of them. I liked the costumes? I mean, it was definitely more challenging than their Broadway number. My favorite Mary Murphy statement had to be when she told Ryan she was “Not really tidy down below”… This was the best Ricky routine though. I wonder what would have happened to him over this season if he’d been with anyone else but Ryan.

Caitlynn and Mitchell doing a Jazz routine by Travis Wall. (Now I want to say the last time Travis did a Jazz routine he got yelled at by Nigel for it not being “real Jazz”.) This time I have to say I definitely saw some “Jazz” moves. Much, much better than the first routine. Caitlynn is a force to be reckoned with. I agree with Sonya’s comments to Mitchell because he is so focused on being a good partner he loses a little of his own performance “sparkle”. And I agree with Nigel’s comment about Caitlynn not bringing the audience into that.

Melanie and Marko next up doing a contemporary routine by Dee Caspary (whom I love). I really liked this routine. (Still think the left at the alter one is my favorite) but this is a second. This routine just shows how amazing they are as a couple. I agree with Nigel – there really is something magical about them when they perform together and it did feel like an organic flow of movement not just steps. And Sonya’s tip for them to stay humble really brought to the forefront the reason I love them so much. They’re amazing but they’re not cocky about it. I’d totally pay to watch either of them dance.

Lastly – Jess and Clarice doing a jive by Tony and Meredith… Okay – what happened to Clarice? For the first time like… um… ever – tonight I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Was her technique flawless? No… but she was charismatic and sparkling and awesome and her footwork was great – but they lost some momentum in their lifts. I think that was one my favorite they’ve done. Especially because I was not emotionally manipulated into liking it.

Okay, so bottom 3:
Ryan and Ricky
Caitlynn and Marshall
Jordan and Tadd
(Alternatively Sasha and Alexander are a possible choice but I think she has a big enough fan base to make them both safe.)

My pick to go home : Ryan and Ricky (please?)

Okay, enough of my ramblings… what did you guys think?

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