Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Top 8

Top 8 here we go!

Welcome our guest judges Rob Marshall and Lady Gaga… oh, what are we in for tonight?

Sasha and Pasha doing Jonathan Roberts Quick Step. I dislike her costume. Distracting. I just don’t feel that she is suited to this style of dance. It’s the first routine of hers I’ve ever been able to look away from. Mr. Marshall hit it on the head when he said she dances with such abandon and that’s what he loves about her and that’s what was missing from this style.

Caitlynn with Ivan (YAY!) doing a hip hop routine by Marty Kudelka. Cute. Ivan’s all growed up! She did fairly well keeping up with him. She looked great.

Jordan and Ade dancing a Tyce Diorio Jazz routine. I’m just going to get this out of the way. Dislike of Tyce is just growing daily. I love Ade and I could care less about Jordan. She has the same “I’m innocent/I’m sexy/oooops” face ALL THE TIME. If I take my eyes off her face, I enjoy her legs, and there were moments with the legs that were great… but even Ade didn’t make me love that routine.

Melanie and Neal doing a Mandy Moore routine. I’m totally biased. I love that song. I love both Melanie and Neal. I adore Mandy Moore when she does a pretty routine and that was PRETTY! The unison was insane. The emotion was palpable. It built and built the more it went and from the jump (oh that AMAZING JUMP made me gasp) to the end I was on the edge of my seat. Beautiful. I love it when everything comes together and works. That just worked.

Ricky and Anya dancing a Jason Gilkison Jive. Anya is amazing no matter who her partner is… but that was not the best jive I’ve ever seen... it didn’t get better as it went along, struggled with the lift in the middle (I will say I don’t think Jess could have done that lift that Ricky did at the end)… I do love his smile but I don’t know how long he’s going to be around if America is the only one in charge of the decision.

Jess and Lauren doing a NappyTabs routine. Okay… I’m going to say it. I like Jess. I don’t know when it happened that his arrogant “jersey boy” attitude became a non issue or disappeared. But it did. And now I just enjoy watching him dance. He’s really talented and I’d pay to see him in a show. He hasn’t been mugging for the camera and when he’s been dancing the last few weeks he’s been so into his partner that it makes me enjoy him more because it draws me into the dance.

Tadd and Lauren doing a Mandy Moore routine. I love Tadd… and that he went on even without his hat and just sort of implied it was still there. Didn’t miss a move. Is his lip bleeding? Loved the MJ homage at the beginning. Tadd really is a sponge.

Marko and Allison doing a Sonya Tayeh routine. I know she’s not a contestant but can’t Allison win it? She makes me like a Sonya routine. Well, she and Marko together make me like a Sonya routine. They really felt every step. It was lovely.

Jonathan Roberts choreographing a fox trot for Caitlynn and Tadd. Ummmmmmm… I LOVE her dress. Loved the lift spin at the end. Lovely.

Marko and Ricky doing a Nappy Tabs routine. Not bad. Not my favorite boy/boy hip hop routine. I mean, it just doesn’t compare to Tranji from season 2. I will say that Marko was much more street than Ricky – Nigel hit it on the head when he said Ricky was too high.

Jason Gilkison choreographing a rumba for Jess and Jordan. I didn’t feel the chemistry – and it wasn’t Jess’s fault. He was totally into her and she looked away from him – closed her eyes, looked past him, to the audience… just not deep into him the way he did to her. Her dress was pretty though.

Sasha and Melanie doing a Sonya Tayeh routine. I really just don’t get Sonya half the time. This was part of that half of the time when I don’t get it because it is just not my thing. Was it danced well – I’m sure it was… but it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

Okay bottom 4?

Going home:
Jordan or Caitlynn

What do you guys think?

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