Thursday, June 23, 2011

Top 20 - Redo

Welcome to the fastest recap of SYTYCD I’ve probably ever done.

First up Ryan and Ricky. Blech. I usually like a Mandy Moore routine – but this one left me uninterested. I found it to be… whatever the OPPOSITE of the word sexy is. Ryan’s smile creeps me out. It’s a little too Stepford Wives for me. Well the judges didn’t agree with me – does anyone else?

*Aside* Why must we remake movies like Footloose and Fame? Is it only singing/dancing movies that begin with the letter F? If so – does that mean Flashdance is next?

Caitlynn and Mitchell doing a Stacey Tookey routine. CHILLS when she jumped off the chair into his arms. Straight UP chills. Loved it so much I hit rewind to watch it again. When he came behind her in the chair – so great to start – it was so amazing.

Wadi and Missy doing a cha-cha by Jean-Marc Genereux. Okay – I dislike this song more than I can possibly express. This routine was almost as bad as the song for me. There was no flow at all it was steps into steps into forced “sexy face”. Awkward doesn’t even begin to describe it. I don’t even care if the judges agree with me. How is Mary impressed with Missy – nevermind I said I don’t care.

Iveta and Nick doing a Bollywood routine by Nakul Dev Mahajan. Okay – so I still like Nick as a person… but I was not a fan of this routine for him. He was not nearly masculine enough for me. He wasn’t as grounded as I’d have liked him to be. He reminds me of Ken last season for likeability but I don’t know if he’s going to be safe at this point. Iveta was bouncy and cute.

*Aside* So excited for Harry Potter’s final installment.

Robert and Miranda doing a Nappy Tabs hip hop routine. She tried to bring the tude to it that it needed. And she brought swagger which was great but honestly she was still a little awkward for me. And I was distracted by her too much to notice him at all. She really did give it everything she had though and I appreciate that. Still I worry they’ll be in the bottom again.

Jess and Clarice doing a Stacey Tookey routine. I’m biased. I don’t like Jess at ALL. Like I feel about him the way I felt about Brandon a couple seasons ago. I just can’t get past how into himself he is. She is good though. Sadly I think he’s going to hold her back – or get her kicked off.

Jordan and Tadd doing a Jean-Marc “Vietnamese” waltz – oh, Donyelle how I miss you and your renaming of the Viennese Waltz. I am predisposed to like anything danced to a David Cook song – especially one with a bench that reminds me of the bench routine from Season 2. Okay, I have to rewind and watch it for the dancing in front of my eyes. Lovely lines. He’s got crazy good extension for a B-Boy. A little sloppy on the one lift but for the most part really lovely. Costumes also great. Nice upside down lift and dance move. Really lovely overall.

Melanie and Marko doing a Jazz routine from Mandy Moore. Okay – I really didn’t like that at all. The costumes were horrible – HORRIBLE and distracting as were the strobe lights. And I LOVE both Melanie and Marko but I really just didn’t like the routine. That doesn’t mean it didn’t get danced well – I just wasn’t a fan of it.

Sasha and Alexander doing a NappyTabs routine. Okay – I really, really, really, really like Sasha. And I like Alexander – but he was so not her equal in this routine. She was amazing. She needed – Joshua or another really strong/masculine hip hop dancer. But she was emotional and perfection in her part. For her performance alone they should both be safe.

Lastly Ashley and Chris doing a SpencerLiff Broadway routine. I LOVE her dress. I don’t feel the tension they’re supposed to have. It was a really unique concept. Some interesting visual pictures. Not my favorite Broadway routine. Nice use of bars? Really that’s all I’ve got at this point.

So - what did you guys think of the top 20 re-do?


  1. -So, I'm having a hard time liking Melanie. I know i SHOULD like her cause she's a phenomenal dancer, but, and i hate to say this, she looks like a boy to me. her facial structure and that haircut and the broad shoulders do it for me. i really really want to like her though. But this dance as well did not do it for me.
    -Jess - DO NOT LIKE. and i can't see Clarice without thinking "Hello Clarice." but she's pretty, she has pretty hair.
    -Ryan - i feel like she mugs to the camera. As Nicole says, show "mouth dances." She reminds me of Ashleigh from S6, where she'd be a lot prettier in her dance if she could control her face. HAHA! i want to use that line in real life sometime. "Hey you! Control your face!!"
    -I probably should have watched the Caitlin/Mitchell dance cause i caught some pretty parts during it (i was kinda half watching, half-loading movies onto my iPad for the flight with Eliza tomorrow). I wish Mitchell wouldn't talk though. it just makes me feel bad as a dude.
    -All-in-all, i had no chill-moments or jaw dropping. Kinda ho-hum. What would be upsetting for me is if people that weren't in the bottom last week are this week. Just doesn't seem fair.

  2. I can't remember people's names yet. I am glad Missy is gone though. She was kind of skeezy. Iveta can go eat a cheeseburger now. I like Melanie.

    Could we get a masculine dude up in this joint?

  3. I HATE Jess, too!!! Waaaay to conceded in my opinion. I mean, he is a great dancer but my god! Humility, please !! I love Melanie and i do love Ryan. I just want to hug Ryan and tell her it's going to be ok!! I think my fav dances from this week was the woodpecker dance and the chair/breakup dance. Like you Renee, I got emotional and chills to that one!! So good! I'm still learning names myself, but I know my favs right now. :-) I'm kinds glad ivetta left. Something about her bugged me. Maybe that her rock hard perfect body... Just not natural!!! Lol
