Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Our Top 6:

First Up:
Kathryn and Ryan - Samba
So, when they started, I thought it was a little rough. They were tentative in their steps instead of deliberately slow but then when they did that second assisted spin into a more sped up pace it was much better for me. I think Ryan did a really good job in his own style - The throw over the head onto the back was great, but the African Anteater dance just before threw me off so I had to go watch it again.

Next Up:
Ellenore and Jacob - Broadway
Okay, so everyone is going probably going to boo me - but I didn't like that at all. I've never liked the "Fosse" style and so really for me it was the choreography that I just didn't get into. So, I'm sure other people think I'm crazy but I couldn't get past the style to even critique the dancing - which I'm sure was wonderful - but again... not a fan.

Next Up:
Russell and Ashleigh - Lyrical Jazz
I have never seen Ashleigh look so beautiful and serene. There's one moment where they do a close up on her face and the lyric is "you're never nothing less than beautiful" and in that moment, that feeling is shining out of her so clearly. Really one of her most lovely moments. And don't get me started on Russell. He did an amazing job. One of the softest Sonya pieces I think I remember ever seeing.

Switch it up:

Ellenore and Ryan - Jazz
So - while this is not my particular cup of tea - I actually got to appreciate Ellenore more than I did in her Broadway routine. It suited her so much more I think. So while I didn't "enjoy" the routine itself, I at least got to enjoy her in it.

Ashleigh and Jakob - Foxtrot
I don't like the side ponytail or her dress at all! Still, they did an effortless job. I love their chemistry together - I think they are really such a good pairing.

Russell and Ellenore - Passo Doble
I'm thinking why isn't he dancing with Kathryn - because that should be the logical next pairing. But now that I'm off that - I love the dress. Some really good moments for Russell - he definitely does strong really well for me. Not one of my favorite routines - but not bad.

Jakob and Kathryn - Contemporary
Okay - so this is going to sound horrible too... I miss Mia. That was a lot of cool tricks but none of the emotion that I get from a Mia Michaels piece. I didn't get teary at all. Okay - so now I'm going to go back and watch it again and see if I can get something more from it. Nope - Great unison - great dancing - great spins and leaps and steps and jumps and musicality - but no great emotion. Am I the only one that feels this way?

Ryan and Ashleigh - Contemporary
Now that is what I'm talking about. That is Travis Wall in those steps - it was beautiful. Their connection was so important - so central to the piece - the music tied in to the choreography so perfectly. They were in such sync together and when he rocked her and it was so gentle and loving - I cried. For me - that is what the Jakob and Kathryn piece missed. And I know there are people out there who aren't fans - but I really love Ashleigh and I would be so pleased if she won.

Kathryn and Russell - Hip Hop
Okay - that's the most I've liked Kathryn all night. Legacy taught her well. She was hitting just as hard as Russell - and they did great. Again - not my most favorite Hip Hop routine of all season - but still really liked it.

Okay - so I have no idea who's going to win - but I'm not going to lie - my vote is

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for Ashleigh too. And I thought I was going to hate her. I hated how they did this finale. No fluff pieces? No telling us who choreographed? They are leaving out all the stuff that makes people give a hoot about the dancers.
