Guess What People?!?!?! SYTYCD is BAAAAAAAAA-AAAAACK!!!
Now, we know I dislike the “make fun of the ones that can’t dance” portion of the show – so let’s just make it perfectly clear that I will be fast forwarding through those parts (THANK YOU DVR). I’ll also try not to get to invested in the dancers I see because, as we all know, I get really upset when they (read: the evil producers of the show) fake me out and make me fall in love with people who don’t make it to the top 20. Please note I said I would TRY not to get invested, I make no promises. It should also be noted that I’m writing this while drinking a glass of CRU and baking black bean brownies - so, I might be extra happy. Oh, also – I know I don’t normally blog the auditions – but I want to be able to look back and see if I can tell who Nigel has hand picked as this seasons winner before we get to the actual competition portion. Don’t scoff – he totally tried to get Lauren the win on Idol and it was 100% obvious too.
Anyway - Here we go Season 8!
WELCOME TO ATL Ya’ll! And welcome back Mary Murphy!
Starting off with Bianka Hinklerian and some salsa. Great footwork - on him especially - and good lifts and tricks. Plus, not too many crazy faces. She’s super cute. Note – when Mary is giving critique, she is knowledgeable and fair and I find her so helpful. If only she wouldn’t scream or put people on the hot tamale train. *sigh*
Next Melanie Moore (the art major with the dead dad – thanks for the emotional manipulation SYTYCD). She’s adorable and I love her hair and her artwork… and her feet. Beautiful control. Oh… can I be her when I grow up please? See here I am getting attached. Her floor work is excellent – her lines, everything. I <3 her. Straight to Vegas!
Now we have a montage of hot chicks and D-Day trying to pick them up. Poor Cat. They’re fun. Good tricks. Nice sense of humor. I thought it was a good audition because it was memorable – I’d put them through to choreography. And they go straight through to Vegas – really Nigel and Mary?!? Wow.
So – let’s watch a montage of awesome. 10 straight through to Vegas with no names and no full auditions shown… hello underdog of the season – I know you’re in there somewhere.
***distracted by Green Lantern Preview- mmmmmmm Ryan Reynolds is yummy***
Okay, back to SYTYCD. We have Marco Germar- a gunshot victim with the bullet still in his arm. His musicality is beautiful. He’s no Travis – but his legs are good.
Day 2 – up first Kimalee Piedad. The routine was okay but it left me less than amazed. It wasn’t fluid between tricks even though the tricks were sick. I’d send her to choreography but they sent her straight to Vegas.
And Fast Forwarding through White Chocolate and the waste of times that follow.
Kyre was pretty good. Not as good as other pop/lockers I’ve seen. But totally worth watching if only to see Grandma beating Lil C with a belt.
Welcome to San Francisco! And TastyOreo aka, Tyce (Keith) Diorio. and Toni Redpath. Welcome, welcome, welcome!
And we’ve got crazy to start off… She’s going to dance her little Tusher off… Amber Williams. She’s a little much personally but of course she’s actually good. She’s really strong – sexy, without being overtly sexual. Straight to Vegas for me - and for the judges.
Now we have Timothy Jospeh – I love B-Boys. I especially love B-Boys when they can do choreography – especially lyrical. He was really good! Couple of slips on his tricks but great at what he does. Want to see what else he can do.
And now we fast forward through the stripper “Black Barbie” and two other people.
Uh-oh, video package. Sad montage. Emotional manipulation. Dad abandonment, homelessness. Nigel I am not falling for this! Danielle Ihle is decent, but not even close to being the best I’ve seen. She doesn’t finish her moves, she pulls them. So, now they’re going to send her to choreography – because they did a video package, what do you think her Vegas chances are? Are we setting her up to be an underdog while making you look "fair" for not sending her straight to Vegas? I know your game Nigel!
Ashley Rich – I am inclined not to like you because TastyOreo is so all over you – but I don’t hate you. I like your smile – I really wish you’d pulled your hair back though. Loved the jumps. Off you go to Vegas.
Vegas montage again.
Dionke Addison are you going to be horrible? I feel like you will be. I am fast forwarding through you.
Note – Timothy Joseph is a stand up guy - I hope he comes back next year. And of course Danielle gets put through. Was there any doubt people? Really?!?!? I didn’t think so.
Jeffery McCann – NICE feet. Good musicality – Good back story, great personality. Really likeable guy – Think Twitch… Straight to Vegas – wow that's surprising. I would have sent him to choreography but okay.
Now we have chicky-doo from last season (she was the one who worked with Mia, right?) Ryan Ramirez – I don’t remember your audition from last year but I thought you were pretty good this go round. You’re a lock to go to Vegas.
Whitney spins well from what I could see. Lilly does good floor work. While both of them got through to Vegas, I have no idea if I like them yet or not.
We’ve saved the weirdest and coolest thing for last – thanks Nigel. The dude that's a bug. CREEPY! And then we have TURF'n.
Room on the
Which consists of: Swagger – Feetwork – Pantomime – Storytelling.
NICE Feetwork Levi Allen. I didn’t get the pantomime and storytelling, but it was cool. Musicality was great. But Toni was right about his face being dead. I don’t think he’ll pass Choreography. And he didn’t.
Next week SLC and NY – Stay tuned.