Thursday, September 3, 2009

I <3 TV

It's completely true. I have a TV addiction. My TV addiction is so great that we have two DVRs in our home so that I don't have to miss any of my shows. (I thank the Lord for the man that invented DVRs on a semi regular basis!)

My friend Maggie and I began getting together to watch So You Think You Can Dance (we refer to it as SYTYCD for those not in the "know") this past season. We have such a great time that we started writing up our opinions and putting them as a post on my Facebook account.

We decided we're going to keep it going when SYTYCD comes back this fall. This time though, I thought I'd do a real BLOG where I can have stuff on ALL my shows without overloading all my Facebook friends with posts.

And here you are. This is my SYTYC TV Blog... because yes, I think I can blog about TV. And hopefully it will entertain people while I'm at it.